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This is My World:
Depeche Mode Songs on the Harp

This fall, the Slovak-American Cultural Center hosted a series of three events celebrating Slovak talent in the realm of poetry and music. The programming, entitled “This is My World: Depeche Mode Songs on the Harp,” featured emerging harpist Michael Matejčík and actor Marek Majeský. As Matejčík played tunes from the world-renowned band Depeche on the harp, Majeský recited the songs’ lyrics in Slovak as accompaniment, creating a beautiful blend of music and words.


Matejčík first visited New York City and New Jersey to showcase his talent on the harp in 2013 at a prior SACC-sponsored event. The SACC was thrilled to welcome him back to our programming once again 10 years later. The program’s unique melding of the elements of music and poetry originated from the initiative of manager Silvia Balcová Lederleitner. Lederleitner first presented the “This Is My World: Depeche Mode Songs on the Harp" program earlier this year to the delight of a sell-out crowd in Modra, Slovakia.


The Depeche programming spanned a series of three dates throughout the fall. Matejčík and Majeský first played on October 29th in Manhattan, New York at the beautiful St. John Nepeomucene Church. They then traveled to Washington, DC on November 2nd to perform at the Embassy of the Slovak Republic. On November 4th, they returned to New York to play in Nyack at the magnificent St. Ann’s Church.


Thank you to all who joined us and our partners to appreciate a sublime evening celebrating a blending of sound and words. We are indebted to our sponsors and to the talented Michael and Marek, who indulged our community with a celebration of Slovak music, language, and culture.


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